Cecily Winter is a fake person with a real face, a writing habit, a website (https://cecilywinter.com), and a story about a tiger.

Photo of a tiger
My 100-word tiger story: read TIGER PARK.


Welcome to the catalog of my scribbles past and present:


FICTION CATEGORY: Short stories published and available for purchase; previews of novels in progress; a brief list of published stories to be read on-site; and various tweets, some potential or actual story seeds.



ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS (by Susan B. Iwanisziw, Ph.D.), a list of my books, chapters, journal articles, and encyclopedia articles dealing mainly with British and American literature, feminism, race, and slavery.


READING FOR WRITERS BLOG, including idiosyncratic five-star reviews of novels including “own voice” and speculative fiction as well as science books; research tips for writers; a couple of structural reviews of fab stories for imitation; and revision and submission tips. 

Join Cecily (@winter_cecily) on Twitter and see my reviews on Goodreads.

Email Cecily at cecwinter1@gmail.com