Journal Articles by Susan Iwanisziw

“Slave concubines and the Labor of Assimilation: John Gabriel Stedman’s Joanna and Toussaint Charbonneau’s Sacagawea” in Topic: The Washington and Jefferson Review 55, 2007.

“Intermarriage in Late-Eighteenth-Century British Literature: Currents in Assimilation and Exclusion” in Eighteenth-Century Life 31:2 (2007).

“The Shameful Allure of Sycorax and Wowski: Dramatic Prototypes of Sartje, the Hottentot Venus” in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research 16:2 (2001)

“Behn’s Novel Investment in Oroonoko: Kingship, Slavery and Tobacco in English Colonialism” in South Atlantic Review 63:2 (1998).